

国際研究交流委員会委員長 齋藤慈子(上智大学)

お招きする講師は、引き続きウィーン大学(University of Vienna)心理学部のタクヤ・ヤナギダ先生(Dr. Takuya Yanagida)にお願いいたしております。
ヤナギダ先生は、統計の専門家としてヨーロッパ発達心理学会(European Association for Developmental Psychology: EADP)の学会誌(European Journal of Developmental Psychology: EJDP)でAssociate editor(とくに発達に関する測定Developmetricsに関する部分の査読担当)を務めておられます。
内容詳細および参加申込方法などは,研究情報ニューズ(JSDP NEWS)や本ページで順次ご案内いたします。


Takuya Yanagida finished his doctorate in 2017 at the University of Vienna. In his doctoral thesis, he focused on common methodological challenges related to statistical conclusion validity in program evaluation. Between October 2010 and December 2013 he was appointed as psychometrician and researcher at the Federal Institute for Educational Research, Innovation and Development of the Austrian School System. And between October 2012 und July 2017 he was a researcher at the School of Medical Engineering and Applied Social Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. Between August 2017 and September 2018, Takuya Yanagida was a postdoctoral university assistant at the Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education and Economy at the University of Vienna. Currently, he holds a senior scientist position at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Vienna. In addition, he is an external lecturer at various universities in Vienna, Linz and Salzburg and is regularly invited to give workshops in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.