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  • 理科学研究所 脳神経科学研究センター 英語での論文投稿の際の経験についての調査

理科学研究所 脳神経科学研究センター 英語での論文投稿の際の経験についての調査





この調査は下に記した6名が国際共同研究として実施しており、シンガポール国立大学で倫理審査を受けています。アンケートは下のQualtrics のリンクから2月28日まで受け付けています。

Hi everyone,

We would like to ask developmental science researchers who are based outside the U.S.A. and conduct studies on non-U.S.A. samples if they would be willing to fill out a short survey about publishing experiences including peer review and feedback from editors.

The survey can be accessed until February 28, 2023 via this link:
The survey is available in English, and takes around 7-8 minutes to complete. All responses will be anonymous.

The survey is part of an ongoing study on publication experiences in developmental research, which has been approved by the National University of Singapore’s Departmental Ethics Review Committee (Department of Psychology). The goal of this survey is to document how researchers in the fields of child development and developmental science who are located outside the United States of America experience the publication process including publishing data collected from participants outside the U.S.A.

Please feel free to pass the survey on to your colleagues. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Rowena Garcia at [ garcia1@uni-potsdam.de ].

Best,Dana Basnight Brown, Bobby Cheon, Rowena Garcia, Melanie Killen, Reiko Mazuka, & Leher Singh