Japan Society of Developmental Psychology



  1. This Association shall be called the Japanese Society of Developmental Psychology.
  2. The Secretariat for the JDSP association shall be established at the following address:
    Toshin Bldg., 7th Floor, Hongo 2-27-2, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033 Japan.


  1. The JDSP association shall promote knowledge and skills of interest to specialists in developmental research, with the goal of contributing to the advancement of practical activities and research relevant to developmental psychology and related fields.
  2. The JDSP association shall undertake the following activities to promote the preceding goals:
  3. (1) promotion of research activities (including computer networking)
    (2) convening of annual meetings
    (3) publication of a scholarly journal (Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology)
    (4) publication of newsletters
    (5) convening of seminars, workshops, research meetings and lectures
    (6) exchange with internal and external organizations
    (7) other activities deemed necessary to achieve the goals of JSDP


  1. The JDSP shall have regular members, honorary members, lifetime members, and sponsoring members. Regular members will be individuals who have an interest in developmental psychology or related fields and support the purposes of the JDSP. Honorary members, based on their contributions to the administration of the JSDP, will be certified upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and will have the same rights as regular members. Lifetime members will be at least 75 years of age and will have been members of the JSDP for at least 15 years, and may apply to the Board of Directors for certification. Lifetime members have the same rights as regular members, but cannot make submissions to the JJDP. Sponsoring members include corporate bodies, foundations, or individuals who wish to provide financial support to the JSDP in support of its goals.
  2. Those who wish to join the JDSP shall submit the necessary forms to the secretariat and be approved as members under the auspices of the Board of Directors. Those wishing to terminate membership in the JDSP shall send the appropriate form to the Secretariat, and upon approval their membership shall terminate at the end of the appropriate year. Note that members who do not pay their fees within the appropriate year, upon the decision of the Board of Directors, may be requested to terminate membership.


  1. The JSDP shall be organized to include the following officers:
    (1) Directors: 24-30 individuals (of whom one serves as General Director and 7-11 serve as Executive Directors)
    (2) Managing Directors: 2 individuals chosen by the Directors
  2. Selection of Officers:
  3. 1) The 24-30 Directors and 2 Managing Directors shall be selected by the regular members by direct vote. The General Director and 7 Executive Directors shall be selected by the vote of the Directors. In all cases these officers shall be certified by at the JSDP General Meeting. The selection of officers shall be designated separately in the detailed regulations of the JSDP.
    2) When necessary, the General Director may designate additional Directors or Executive Directors.
    3) Directors and Managing Directors cannot combine both titles.
  4. Duties of the General Director:
  5. (1)The General Director shall represent the JSDP as its head.
    (2) In the event of an accident to the General Director or resignation by the General Director, the Board of Directors shall designate one of the Executive Directors to fulfill the duties of the General Director until the time of an election for a new General Director.
    (3) In the event of a vacancy, following the process described in the preceding paragraph, the Board of Directors shall call a meeting within 30 days to invite an Acting Executive Director to become the new General Director.
  6. Duties of Directors:
  7. The Board of Directors shall be composed of Directors, who shall resolve issues other than those resolved at JSDP General Sessions according to Article 20, as follows:
    (1) Selection of General Director and Executive Directors
    (2) Certification of the Secretariat Chief
    (3) Certification of budget and balancing of financial accounts
    (4) Other matters that require deliberation
  8. Duties of Executive Directors:
  9. Executive Directors shall be entrusted by the Board of Directors to organize the Board of Executive Directors, manage the business of this Board, and execute its functions.
  10. Duties of Managing Directors:
  11. The Managing Directors shall supervise audits of JSDP and its administrative functions.
  12. Terms of Officers:
  13. (1) The officers designated under Article 7 shall serve terms of 3 years. These positions are not renewable. However, the General Director and Executive Directors may serve two consecutive terms (i.e., 6 years) but shall not exceed 6 years in these positions.
    (2) In the event of the selection of an officer to serve in supplement to a full complement of officers, the term of the renewing officer shall overlap with either that of the predecessor or successor.
    (3) An officer shall serve until the completion of one's term, until the successor takes office.
  14. Remuneration of Officers:
  15. Officers shall not receive remuneration. However, officers may receive funds to offset the costs of service to JSDP.
  16. Secretariat:
  17. 1) To support the administration of JSDP, a Secretariat is established, and shall include the following personnel:
    (1) Secretariat Chief
    (2) Staff members, as appropriate
    2) The Secretariat Chief is recommended by the General Director and approved by the Board of Directors. The Secretariat Chief acts in accordance with the decisions of the general membership, Board of Directors, and Executive Board of Directors, carries out the daily activities of the JSDP, manages activities based on the decisions of these bodies, and reports on the activities of the Secretariat to the General Director. The Secretariat Chief serves without remuneration, but may receive funding to offset costs of this role.
    3) The Secretariat Chief is appointed and may be dismissed by the General Director with the certification of the Board of Directors, and processes the office work of the JSDP.
    4) The staff of the Secretariat may receive remuneration.


  1. The meetings of the JSDP are the General Meeting, Board of Directors Meeting, and Board of Executive Directors Meeting.
  2. The General Meeting shall be constituted by regular members and is the highest decision-making mechanism for the organizational management of the JSDP.
  3. Convening of General Meetings:
  4. 1) The General Meeting shall take place once each year, at the Annual Conference, as convened and organized by the General Director.
    2) Emergency General Meetings may be convened and organized by the General Director, when recognized as necessary by the Board of Directors.
    3) When a majority of Directors indicate an agenda for a meeting, a General Meeting may be convened by the General Director within 60 days from the date of the request for such a meeting.
    4) In the event of a decision to convene a General Meeting (as in the previous paragraph), the agenda of such a meeting, along with the date and time of the meeting and relevant documentation, shall be announced.
  5. The chairperson of the General Meeting shall be chosen by the organizer of the meeting from among the attendees.
  6. Matters for Decision at General Meeting:
  7. The agenda of matters to be decided at a General Meeting shall be in accordance with the JSDP bylaws, as follows:
    (1) Project/activity planning and expenditures/revenue
    (2) Project/activity reports and expenditures/revenue
    (3) Other items recognized as necessary by the Board of Directors
  8. Quorum at General Meetings:
  9. 1) A quorum shall be defined as a majority of the regular members. However, an individual who beforehand indicates with documentation the intention to bring a particular proceeding may be deemed an attendee. When a quorum is not reached at a General Meeting, a Temporary General Meeting shall be held.
    2) Agenda items at a General meeting that are excluded by the JSDP bylaws may be discussed if so decided by a majority vote of attendees. In the event of a tie between those supporting and opposing such a motion, the chairperson of the meeting shall determine the suitability of the item for discussion.
    3) In the event of a Temporary General Meeting, an announcement of decisions made at this meeting shall be made to the full membership. If within one month a majority of regular members express documented opposition to the decisions, such decisions shall lose effect.
  10. Notifications to Members. The proceedings and outline of decisions made at General Meetings shall be reported to the general membership.
  11. Convening the Board of Directors:
  12. 1) The Board of Directors has responsibility for the execution of the business of the JSDP.
    2) The Board of Directors shall be convened by the General Director twice annually. However, if a majority of the Directors indicate a rationale for an additional meeting, the General Director must call for an emergency Board of Directors meeting within 20 days.
    3) The General Director shall serve as chairperson for meetings of the Board of Directors.
  13. Quorum of Board of Directors Meeting:
  14. 1) A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be formed by two-thirds of the Directors. However, in the event that a Director beforehand indicates in advance documentation that designates a proxy representative for the meeting, the representative shall be deemed to be an attendee.
    2) The chairperson according to necessity, can request the attendance of an individual other than a Director at a meeting, and can hear such a person窶冱 opinions and reports.
    3) The agenda of the Board of Directors shall be decided by a majority vote of the attendees, and by the chairperson in the event of a tie between those supporting and opposing the agenda item.
  15. Recording Minutes of Board of Directors Meetings:
  16. Minutes shall be recorded at all meetings of the Board of Directors, and upon approval by two-thirds of the Directors, the minutes shall be preserved with the signatures of the chairperson and at least two attendees.
  17. Convening a Meeting of the Executive Board of Directors:
  18. 1) Following a decision by the Board of Directors, it shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board of Directors to hold meetings.
    2) Meetings of the Executive Board of Directors shall be convened by the General Director. However, if a majority of the Executive Board of Directors indicates a rationale for a meeting, the General Director must call for an emergency Board of Directors meeting within 20 days.
    3) The chairperson of meetings of the Executive Board of Directors shall be the General Director.
  19. Quorum of Executive Board of Directors Meeting:
  20. 1) A meeting of the Executive Board of Directors is formed by two-thirds of the Executive Directors. However, in the event that an Executive Director beforehand indicates in advance documentation that designates a proxy representative for the meeting, the proxy shall be deemed to be an attendee.
    2) The chairperson according to necessity, can request the attendance of an individual other than an Executive Director at a meeting, and can hear such a person窶冱 opinions and reports.
    3) The agenda of the Executive Board of Directors shall be decided by a majority vote of the attendees, and by the chairperson in the event of a tie between those supporting and opposing the agenda item.
  21. Minutes of Meetings of the Executive Board of Directors:
  22. The agenda and an outline of the resolutions and decisions of the Executive Board of Directors shall be reported to the general membership.
  23. Committees:
  24. 1) The Executive Board of Directors may establish committees as necessary.
    2) Committees execute their functions as entrusted by the Executive Board of Directors.


  1. The JSDP shall receive membership fees, contributions, and financial subsidies. Its fiscal year runs from January 1 through December 31.
  2. The annual membership fee for regular members shall be 9,000 yen. The annual membership fee for undergraduate students, graduate students, and research students shall be 7,000 yen. The annual fee for supporting members shall be 30,000 yen. All members shall pay their fees by the end of December, as dues for the following calendar year. Honorary and lifetime members shall not be assessed membership fees.


  1. The enforcement of the above provisions shall be stipulated separately by the decisions of the Board of Directors and general membership.
  2. Amendments to the bylaws of the JSDP shall be approved at a General Meeting. The Board of Directors may modify the provisions of Paragraph 2.